Product Discovery Book

Product Discovery Book For Product Teams

Having a product discovery book is certainly a good start for efficient product discovery. To gain insights from experienced product teams and managers. Is surely a gem not to miss.

This article will feature more product discovery books. These books are especially helpful for both small and larger product teams. Gaining more insight won’t hurt much. Instead, it will do a lot more good.

#1 The Lean Startup 

This book is by Eric Ries. Moreover, the book is all about how ‘continuous innovation’ sparks more success in business. 

Furthermore, this book is to inspire resilience in product discovery. It is inevitably true, how failure is part of the process. However, it doesn’t mean that we have to live with it. Because these failures are preventable. At least, the team can do something about it to better the situation. 

Thus, this product discovery book aims to help product teams. For instance, to change how products should be launched. And also how companies and teams are ought to be built. In addition, the Lean Startup book has more about lean manufacturing. Thus, it is to expect that more ‘validated learnings’ are inside. 

Moreover, the real essence of product discovery is also measured here. For instance, this product discovery book will help you learn the wants and needs of customers. Also, the book also aims to have a more efficient product discovery process. Thus, to shorten the cycles.

Yes, this book is for businesses of all sizes. Eric Ries uses the scientific approach in dealing with the process. More specifically, in creating and managing the teams and process. Not to mention that this is the age where continuous discovery and learning are ever needed.

#2 What Customers Want

This book is by Anthony Ulwick. The book centers more on ‘using outcome-driven innovation’. Both in creating ‘breakthrough products and services’.

This book is one of the top picks. It is noteworthy to say that the Author itself, Anthony Ulwick. Is an internationally esteemed innovation leader. Besides, Anthony then reveals the secrets and keys to business success. Mostly inspired by the ways successful companies do their business.

Anthony also focuses on being ‘outcome-driven’. This way of innovation is thorough and almost certain. Because the goal is to take away uncertainties and doubts in product creation. Thus, get to know more of these insights through this book.

#3 The Four Steps to the Epiphany

The book is by Steve Blank. It promises to deliver ‘successful strategies’ for winning products.

This book offers four steps in the Customer Development process. This process is inspired by successful startups.

This four-step process helps the team to discover the flaws of the discovery early. This is especially helpful in preventing more unnecessary costs and investments. 

Moreover, this book highlights more of the product discovery key processes. Which includes gaining customer feedback and reviews. Also testing your product’s hypotheses and also rapid iteration.

There is more to discover with this product discovery book. Surely, product teams and startups surely gain more insight with these gems.

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