product discovery process

Product Discovery Process In Steps

The product discovery process is something every business should think more about. Why? Because how you take these steps affects the whole process. One may be doing the discovery phase. But are you doing it right?

A Brief Say About Product Discovery Process

More about the product discovery process. This is the process where a team goals to build the right products. Also, this comes along with the right features.

Why is this important?

Simply because every product is an investment. You sure don’t want to waste your assets. And building a product is time-consuming. So, instead of keeping up with failures. Keep up with the right discovery process instead.

A proper discovery process mitigates the risk of new product discovery. True, the risks linked to building a new product is inevitable. Every new product is a gamble.

However, with the right discovery process, the risks are better kept minimal. Businesses fail by compromising with this. As a result, there is a disconnection between the user and the product itself.

To help you overview the risks, Marty Caran classifies these into four.


This is the risk of whether your market will ‘value’ your product. Will they buy it? Will they use your new product?


The risk of its usability factor. Will your consumers easily navigate with it? Is it user-friendly?


How about the engineers? Will they be able to build with the provided time, skills, and technology?


Lastly, this is the risk concerning the solution. Will this fit with other sides and aspects of the business?

Two Basics Of The Process

Now, let’s head on to the basic steps. First, explore the problem space. Second, identify prime solutions.


Now, take your team’s brains altogether. It’s time to explore and uncover the problems. We hate problems. But, this time, we opt to discover them.

But, why?

Because we want to address the user’s needs. We want to bring the best out of the products.

For example, you can start with these concerns.

  • How does the market find the product?
  • What are the current problems?
  • Considering the reviews, how can we better them.

Having quantitative and qualitative research helps a lot in identifying these. Be sure to base your problem space on your solid data.


Now you have identified your problems. Next, is to prioritize their level of importance. Which of these concerns should we address first? Next, how can we address these problems in the best way possible?

It’s good to have multiple brains in the process. It will do good to ask each member of the team for their own solutions. Encourage different mapping systems.

This way, you and your team will be able to discern the holistic scope of the problem. And also have the best possible solutions.

However, in a product discovery process take note not to give more time on the solution-stage. This phase should be more on exploring the problem space. Take note, that delivering the solutions is up for the product delivery team.

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