viral launch product discovery

Viral Launch Product Discovery

Product discovery has never been so needed in e-commerce than today. It so happens that Viral Launch product discovery tools came on the scene. 

Knowing Viral Launch

Viral Launch promises to provide you with the tools for easy product discovery. It also claims to help drive more than $8 billion in sales on Amazon.

With the help of this tool, you get the most out of your product discovery. Moreover, this helps you see the metrics. 

Will this product sell? How much should I earn per month? It also lets you see your competitors’ pricing.

The Pricing & Plans

Viral Launch offers a 2-week trial. Plus, this is even for those without credit cards. If you like what you experience, you can continue. 

Viral Launch offers 5 different plans. Namely, the following:

  • MI Extension
  • The Beginner’s Plan
  • Pro Plan
  • Brand Builder’s Plan
  • Kinetic

Suppose, you want to try this tool to upgrade your product discovery. How would you know which plan suits you best?

Compare and Decide

MI Extension

This plan will cost you $21 per month. This is good for ‘researchers’. It offers Market Intelligence. This includes product research and the chrome extension.

Moreover, this plan also enables review requests. Of which comes from Amazon itself.

Beginner’s Plan

If you are a starting entrepreneur, this plan will suit you. Aside from the product discovery tool, and market intelligence. It also has the Competitor Intelligence tool.  

This tool will help you advance your marketing. See your competitors’ and customers’ statistics. This aids in effective product research.

Also, this plan will cost you $50 per month.

Pro Plan

This is perfect for those who have a growing business. Of course, you want to improve your sales. And one way is to upskill your product discovery.

Moreover, product discovery should be led by data analysis. This plan will help you just so! Aside from the features of the other plans. This plan has a keyword research tool. And a keyword manager tracker.

This plan will cost you $83 per month.

The Brand Builder’s Plan

Brand Builder’s Plan suits big brands. This plan offers more data features. It unlocks more competitor intelligence. Which is up to 100 products. Plus, it also has the listing analyzer of up to 100 products.

Besides, this offers more keyword tracking of up to 5000. This plan will cost $125 per month.

Kinetic Plan

The Kinetic Plan is the biggest of all plans. This will cost you $166 per month. 

This is for the established brands. All features are available with this plan. Moreover, this offers the most tracking of best sellers. Which is up to 250 products.

Which Suits You Depends On You

However, this article is not to advertise. Our goal is to help you decide. Decide if you should advance your product discovery. 

Manual product research truly is time-consuming. And time is precious. Automated tools aid a lot in this fast-paced era.

Whatever you decide on, always keep your goal to focus on your market’s needs. Also, decide based on data not on mere assumptions.

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